32:36 The Lord will judge his people,
and will change his plans concerning
when he sees that their power has disappeared,
and that no one is left, whether confined or set free.
50:4 He summons the heavens above,
as well as the earth, so that he might judge his people.
96:13 before the Lord, for he comes!
For he comes to judge the earth!
He judges the world fairly,
and the nations in accordance with his justice.
98:9 before the Lord!
For he comes to judge the earth!
He judges the world fairly,
and the nations in a just manner.
135:14 For the Lord vindicates
and has compassion on his servants.
18:30 “Therefore I will judge each person according to his conduct,
34:17 “‘As for you, my sheep, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am about to judge between one sheep and another, between rams and goats.