Deuteronomy 8:17

8:17 Be careful not to say, “My own ability and skill have gotten me this wealth.”

Isaiah 10:13-14

10:13 For he says:

“By my strong hand I have accomplished this,

by my strategy that I devised.

I invaded the territory of nations,

and looted their storehouses.

Like a mighty conqueror, I brought down rulers.

10:14 My hand discovered the wealth of the nations, as if it were in a nest,

as one gathers up abandoned eggs,

I gathered up the whole earth.

There was no wing flapping,

or open mouth chirping.”

Habakkuk 1:16

1:16 Because of his success he offers sacrifices to his throw net

and burns incense to his dragnet;

for because of them he has plenty of food,

and more than enough to eat.

Habakkuk 2:5-6

2:5 Indeed, wine will betray the proud, restless man!

His appetite is as big as Sheol’s;

like death, he is never satisfied.

He gathers all the nations;

he seizes all peoples.

The Proud Babylonians are as Good as Dead

2:6 “But all these nations will someday taunt him

and ridicule him with proverbial sayings:

‘The one who accumulates what does not belong to him is as good as dead

(How long will this go on?)

he who gets rich by extortion!’