Deuteronomy 12:15

Regulations for Profane Slaughter

12:15 On the other hand, you may slaughter and eat meat as you please when the Lord your God blesses you in all your villages. Both the ritually pure and impure may eat it, whether it is a gazelle or an ibex.

Genesis 31:30

31:30 Now I understand that you have gone away because you longed desperately for your father’s house. Yet why did you steal my gods?”

Numbers 11:4

Complaints about Food

11:4 Now the mixed multitude who were among them craved more desirable foods, and so the Israelites wept again and said, “If only we had meat to eat!

Numbers 11:20

11:20 but a whole month, until it comes out your nostrils and makes you sick, because you have despised the Lord who is among you and have wept before him, saying, “Why did we ever come out of Egypt?”’”

Numbers 11:34

11:34 So the name of that place was called Kibroth Hattaavah, because there they buried the people that craved different food.

Numbers 11:2

11:2 When the people cried to Moses, he prayed to the Lord, and the fire died out.

Numbers 13:1

Spies Sent Out

13:1 The Lord spoke to Moses:

Numbers 23:15

23:15 And Balaam said to Balak, “Station yourself here by your burnt offering, while I meet the Lord there.

Psalms 63:1

Psalm 63

A psalm of David, written when he was in the Judean wilderness.

63:1 O God, you are my God! I long for you!

My soul thirsts for you,

my flesh yearns for you,

in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

Psalms 84:2

84:2 I desperately want to be

in the courts of the Lord’s temple.

My heart and my entire being shout for joy

to the living God.

Psalms 107:9

107:9 For he has satisfied those who thirst,

and those who hunger he has filled with food.

Psalms 119:20

119:20 I desperately long to know

your regulations at all times.

Psalms 119:40

119:40 Look, I long for your precepts.

Revive me with your deliverance!

Psalms 119:174

119:174 I long for your deliverance, O Lord;

I find delight in your law.

Psalms 119:2

119:2 How blessed are those who observe his rules,

and seek him with all their heart,

Colossians 1:14

1:14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Philippians 1:8

1:8 For God is my witness that I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:26

2:26 Indeed, he greatly missed all of you and was distressed because you heard that he had been ill.