Deuteronomy 18:5

18:5 For the Lord your God has chosen them and their sons from all your tribes to stand and serve in his name permanently.

Deuteronomy 18:2

18:2 They will have no inheritance in the midst of their fellow Israelites; the Lord alone is their inheritance, just as he had told them.

Deuteronomy 29:11

29:11 your infants, your wives, and the foreigners living in your encampment, those who chop wood and those who carry water –

Psalms 134:2

134:2 Lift your hands toward the sanctuary

and praise the Lord!

Psalms 135:2

135:2 who serve in the Lord’s temple,

in the courts of the temple of our God.

Jeremiah 15:19

15:19 Because of this, the Lord said,

“You must repent of such words and thoughts!

If you do, I will restore you to the privilege of serving me.

If you say what is worthwhile instead of what is worthless,

I will again allow you to be my spokesman.

They must become as you have been.

You must not become like them.

Ezekiel 44:11

44:11 Yet they will be ministers in my sanctuary, having oversight at the gates of the temple, and serving the temple. They will slaughter the burnt offerings and the sacrifices for the people, and they will stand before them to minister to them.

Ezekiel 44:15

The Levitical Priests

44:15 “‘But the Levitical priests, the descendants of Zadok who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from me, will approach me to minister to me; they will stand before me to offer me the fat and the blood, declares the sovereign Lord.

Romans 12:7

12:7 If it is service, he must serve; if it is teaching, he must teach;