Ecclesiastes 2:23

2:23 For all day long his work produces pain and frustration,

and even at night his mind cannot relax!

This also is futile!

Ecclesiastes 4:8

4:8 A man who is all alone with no companion,

he has no children nor siblings;

yet there is no end to all his toil,

and he is never satisfied with riches.

He laments, “For whom am I toiling and depriving myself of pleasure?”

This also is futile and a burdensome task!

Ecclesiastes 5:12

5:12 The sleep of the laborer is pleasant – whether he eats little or much –

but the wealth of the rich will not allow him to sleep.

Genesis 31:40

31:40 I was consumed by scorching heat during the day and by piercing cold at night, and I went without sleep.

Psalms 127:2

127:2 It is vain for you to rise early, come home late,

and work so hard for your food.

Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep.