Esther 3:13

3:13 Letters were sent by the runners to all the king’s provinces stating that they should destroy, kill, and annihilate all the Jews, from youth to elderly, both women and children, on a particular day, namely the thirteenth day of the twelfth month (that is, the month of Adar), and to loot and plunder their possessions.

Esther 3:2

3:2 As a result, all the king’s servants who were at the king’s gate were bowing and paying homage to Haman, for the king had so commanded. However, Mordecai did not bow, nor did he pay him homage.

Esther 1:6

1:6 The furnishings included linen and purple curtains hung by cords of the finest linen and purple wool on silver rings, alabaster columns, gold and silver couches displayed on a floor made of valuable stones of alabaster, mother-of-pearl, and mineral stone.

Job 9:25

Renewed Complaint

9:25 “My days are swifter than a runner,

they speed by without seeing happiness.

Jeremiah 51:21

51:21 I used you to smash horses and their riders.

I used you to smash chariots and their drivers.