Exodus 11:8

11:8 All these your servants will come down to me and bow down to me, saying, ‘Go, you and all the people who follow you,’ and after that I will go out.” Then Moses went out from Pharaoh in great anger.

Psalms 27:1-2

Psalm 27

By David.

27:1 The Lord delivers and vindicates me!

I fear no one!

The Lord protects my life!

I am afraid of no one!

27:2 When evil men attack me

to devour my flesh,

when my adversaries and enemies attack me,

they stumble and fall.

Psalms 46:2-3

46:2 For this reason we do not fear when the earth shakes,

and the mountains tumble into the depths of the sea,

46:3 when its waves crash and foam,

and the mountains shake before the surging sea. (Selah)

Psalms 112:7

112:7 He does not fear bad news.

He is confident; he trusts in the Lord.

Isaiah 26:3-4

26:3 You keep completely safe the people who maintain their faith,

for they trust in you.

26:4 Trust in the Lord from this time forward,

even in Yah, the Lord, an enduring protector!

Daniel 3:16-18

3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to King Nebuchadnezzar, “We do not need to give you a reply concerning this. 3:17 If our God whom we are serving exists, he is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and he will rescue us, O king, from your power as well. 3:18 But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we don’t serve your gods, and we will not pay homage to the golden statue that you have erected.”

Daniel 6:10-11

6:10 When Daniel realized that a written decree had been issued, he entered his home, where the windows in his upper room opened toward Jerusalem. Three times daily he was kneeling and offering prayers and thanks to his God just as he had been accustomed to do previously. 6:11 Then those officials who had gone to the king came by collusion and found Daniel praying and asking for help before his God.

Acts 4:13

4:13 When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and discovered that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized these men had been with Jesus.

Acts 14:3

14:3 So they stayed there for a considerable time, speaking out courageously for the Lord, who testified to the message of his grace, granting miraculous signs and wonders to be performed through their hands.

Acts 14:1

Paul and Barnabas at Iconium

14:1 The same thing happened in Iconium when Paul and Barnabas went into the Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a large group of both Jews and Greeks believed.

Acts 2:2

2:2 Suddenly a sound like a violent wind blowing came from heaven and filled the entire house where they were sitting.