Exodus 15:2

15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song,

and he has become my salvation.

This is my God, and I will praise him,

my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

Psalms 27:1

Psalm 27

By David.

27:1 The Lord delivers and vindicates me!

I fear no one!

The Lord protects my life!

I am afraid of no one!

Psalms 62:6-7

62:6 He alone is my protector and deliverer.

He is my refuge; I will not be upended.

62:7 God delivers me and exalts me;

God is my strong protector and my shelter.

Psalms 118:14

118:14 The Lord gives me strength and protects me;

he has become my deliverer.”

Psalms 118:21

118:21 I will give you thanks, for you answered me,

and have become my deliverer.

Isaiah 12:2

12:2 Look, God is my deliverer!

I will trust in him and not fear.

For the Lord gives me strength and protects me;

he has become my deliverer.”

Jeremiah 3:23

3:23 We know our noisy worship of false gods

on the hills and mountains did not help us.

We know that the Lord our God

is the only one who can deliver Israel.

Acts 13:47

13:47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have appointed you to be a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”