Exodus 15:20

15:20 Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a hand-drum in her hand, and all the women went out after her with hand-drums and with dances.

Psalms 30:11

30:11 Then you turned my lament into dancing;

you removed my sackcloth and covered me with joy.

Psalms 149:3

149:3 Let them praise his name with dancing!

Let them sing praises to him to the accompaniment of the tambourine and harp!

Psalms 150:4

150:4 Praise him with the tambourine and with dancing!

Praise him with stringed instruments and the flute!

Ecclesiastes 3:4

3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

Jeremiah 30:19

30:19 Out of those places you will hear songs of thanksgiving

and the sounds of laughter and merriment.

I will increase their number and they will not dwindle away.

I will bring them honor and they will no longer be despised.

Jeremiah 33:11

33:11 Once again there will be sounds of joy and gladness and the glad celebrations of brides and grooms. Once again people will bring their thank offerings to the temple of the Lord and will say, “Give thanks to the Lord who rules over all. For the Lord is good and his unfailing love lasts forever.” For I, the Lord, affirm that I will restore the land to what it was in days of old.’