15:6 Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic
your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy.
15:7 In the abundance of your majesty
those who rise up against you.
You sent forth
it consumed them
15:12 You stretched out your right hand,
the earth swallowed them.
15:13 By your loyal love you will lead
you will guide
52:9 I will continually
I will rely
63:5 As if with choice meat
My mouth joyfully praises you,
89:13 Your arm is powerful,
your hand strong,
your right hand
A psalm.
98:1 Sing to the Lord a new song,
for he performs
His right hand and his mighty arm
accomplish deliverance.
118:15 They celebrate deliverance in the tents of the godly.
The Lord’s right hand conquers,
40:10 Look, the sovereign Lord comes as a victorious warrior;
his military power establishes his rule.
Look, his reward is with him;
his prize goes before him.
51:9 Wake up! Wake up!
Clothe yourself with strength, O arm of the Lord!
Wake up as in former times, as in antiquity!
Did you not smash
Did you not
52:10 The Lord reveals
in the sight of all the nations;
the entire
our God deliver.
63:12 the one who made his majestic power available to Moses,
who divided the water before them,
gaining for himself a lasting reputation,