Exodus 29:37

29:37 For seven days you are to make atonement for the altar and set it apart as holy. Then the altar will be most holy. Anything that touches the altar will be holy.

Leviticus 6:27

6:27 Anyone who touches its meat must be holy, and whoever spatters some of its blood on a garment, you must wash whatever he spatters it on in a holy place.

Leviticus 6:29

6:29 Any male among the priests may eat it. It is most holy.

Leviticus 7:6

7:6 Any male among the priests may eat it. It must be eaten in a holy place. It is most holy.

Ezekiel 44:19

44:19 When they go out to the outer court to the people, they must remove the garments they were ministering in, and place them in the holy chambers; they must put on other garments so that they will not transmit holiness to the people with their garments.

Matthew 23:19

23:19 You are blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred?