Exodus 18:1

The Advice of Jethro

18:1 Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law, heard about all that God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, that the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

Nehemiah 9:9-15

9:9 “You saw the affliction of our ancestors in Egypt, and you heard their cry at the Red Sea. 9:10 You performed awesome signs against Pharaoh, against his servants, and against all the people of his land, for you knew that the Egyptians had acted presumptuously against them. You made for yourself a name that is celebrated to this day. 9:11 You split the sea before them, and they crossed through the sea on dry ground! But you threw their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into surging waters. 9:12 You guided them with a pillar of cloud by day and with a pillar of fire by night to illumine for them the path they were to travel.

9:13 “You came down on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from heaven. You provided them with just judgments, true laws, and good statutes and commandments. 9:14 You made known to them your holy Sabbath; you issued commandments, statutes, and law to them through Moses your servant. 9:15 You provided bread from heaven for them in their time of hunger, and you brought forth water from the rock for them in their time of thirst. You told them to enter in order to possess the land that you had sworn to give them.

Psalms 66:16

66:16 Come! Listen, all you who are loyal to God!

I will declare what he has done for me.

Psalms 71:17-20

71:17 O God, you have taught me since I was young,

and I am still declaring your amazing deeds.

71:18 Even when I am old and gray,

O God, do not abandon me,

until I tell the next generation about your strength,

and those coming after me about your power.

71:19 Your justice, O God, extends to the skies above;

you have done great things.

O God, who can compare to you?

71:20 Though you have allowed me to experience much trouble and distress,

revive me once again!

Bring me up once again from the depths of the earth!

Psalms 105:1-2

Psalm 105

105:1 Give thanks to the Lord!

Call on his name!

Make known his accomplishments among the nations!

105:2 Sing to him!

Make music to him!

Tell about all his miraculous deeds!

Psalms 145:4-12

145:4 One generation will praise your deeds to another,

and tell about your mighty acts!

145:5 I will focus on your honor and majestic splendor,

and your amazing deeds!

145:6 They will proclaim the power of your awesome acts!

I will declare your great deeds!

145:7 They will talk about the fame of your great kindness,

and sing about your justice.

145:8 The Lord is merciful and compassionate;

he is patient and demonstrates great loyal love.

145:9 The Lord is good to all,

and has compassion on all he has made.

145:10 All he has made will give thanks to the Lord.

Your loyal followers will praise you.

145:11 They will proclaim the splendor of your kingdom;

they will tell about your power,

145:12 so that mankind might acknowledge your mighty acts,

and the majestic splendor of your kingdom.