24:6 “‘Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says:
Woe to the city of bloodshed,
the pot whose rot
whose rot has not been removed
Empty it piece by piece.
No lot has fallen on it.
24:7 For her blood was in it;
she poured it on an exposed rock;
she did not pour it on the ground to cover it up with dust.
24:8 To arouse anger, to take vengeance,
I have placed her blood on an exposed rock so that it cannot be covered up.
24:9 “‘Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says:
Woe to the city of bloodshed!
I will also make the pile high.
24:10 Pile up the bones, kindle the fire;
cook the meat well, mix in the spices,
let the bones be charred.
24:11 Set the empty pot on the coals,
until it becomes hot and its copper glows,
until its uncleanness melts within it and its rot
24:12 It has tried my patience;
yet its thick rot is not removed
Subject its rot to the fire!
24:13 You mix uncleanness with obscene conduct.
I tried to cleanse you,
You will not be cleansed from your uncleanness
until I have exhausted my anger on you.
24:14 “‘I the Lord have spoken; judgment