Ezekiel 30:3

30:3 For the day is near,

the day of the Lord is near;

it will be a day of storm clouds,

it will be a time of judgment for the nations.

Isaiah 2:12

2:12 Indeed, the Lord who commands armies has planned a day of judgment,

for all the high and mighty,

for all who are proud – they will be humiliated;

Isaiah 13:6

13:6 Wail, for the Lord’s day of judgment is near;

it comes with all the destructive power of the sovereign judge.

Isaiah 13:9

13:9 Look, the Lord’s day of judgment is coming;

it is a day of cruelty and savage, raging anger,

destroying the earth

and annihilating its sinners.

Isaiah 34:8

34:8 For the Lord has planned a day of revenge,

a time when he will repay Edom for her hostility toward Zion.

Joel 1:15

1:15 How awful that day will be!

For the day of the Lord is near;

it will come as destruction from the Divine Destroyer.

Joel 2:1

The Locusts’ Devastation

2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion;

sound the alarm signal on my holy mountain!

Let all the inhabitants of the land shake with fear,

for the day of the Lord is about to come.

Indeed, it is near!

Joel 2:31

2:31 The sunlight will be turned to darkness

and the moon to the color of blood,

before the day of the Lord comes –

that great and terrible day!

Joel 3:14

3:14 Crowds, great crowds are in the valley of decision,

for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision!

Amos 5:18-20

The Lord Demands Justice

5:18 Woe to those who wish for the day of the Lord!

Why do you want the Lord’s day of judgment to come?

It will bring darkness, not light.

5:19 Disaster will be inescapable,

as if a man ran from a lion only to meet a bear,

then escaped into a house,

leaned his hand against the wall,

and was bitten by a poisonous snake.

5:20 Don’t you realize the Lord’s day of judgment will bring darkness, not light –

gloomy blackness, not bright light?

Zephaniah 1:14-18

1:14 The Lord’s great day of judgment is almost here;

it is approaching very rapidly!

There will be a bitter sound on the Lord’s day of judgment;

at that time warriors will cry out in battle.

1:15 That day will be a day of God’s anger,

a day of distress and hardship,

a day of devastation and ruin,

a day of darkness and gloom,

a day of clouds and dark skies,

1:16 a day of trumpet blasts and battle cries.

Judgment will fall on the fortified cities and the high corner towers.

1:17 I will bring distress on the people

and they will stumble like blind men,

for they have sinned against the Lord.

Their blood will be poured out like dirt;

their flesh will be scattered like manure.

1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them

in the day of the Lord’s angry judgment.

The whole earth will be consumed by his fiery wrath.

Indeed, he will bring terrifying destruction on all who live on the earth.”

Zephaniah 2:2-3

2:2 before God’s decree becomes reality and the day of opportunity disappears like windblown chaff,

before the Lord’s raging anger overtakes you –

before the day of the Lord’s angry judgment overtakes you!

2:3 Seek the Lord’s favor, all you humble people of the land who have obeyed his commands!

Strive to do what is right! Strive to be humble!

Maybe you will be protected on the day of the Lord’s angry judgment.

Malachi 4:5

4:5 Look, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.

Malachi 4:1

4:1 (3:19) “For indeed the day is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant evildoers will be chaff. The coming day will burn them up,” says the Lord who rules over all. “It will not leave even a root or branch.

Malachi 1:2

1:2 “I have shown love to you,” says the Lord, but you say, “How have you shown love to us?”

“Esau was Jacob’s brother,” the Lord explains, “yet I chose Jacob

Malachi 1:2

1:2 “I have shown love to you,” says the Lord, but you say, “How have you shown love to us?”

“Esau was Jacob’s brother,” the Lord explains, “yet I chose Jacob

Malachi 3:10

3:10 “Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my temple. Test me in this matter,” says the Lord who rules over all, “to see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until there is no room for it all.

Revelation 6:17

6:17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”