Ezekiel 33:15

33:15 He returns what was taken in pledge, pays back what he has stolen, and follows the statutes that give life, committing no iniquity. He will certainly live – he will not die.

Exodus 22:26

22:26 If you do take the garment of your neighbor in pledge, you must return it to him by the time the sun goes down,

Deuteronomy 24:12-13

24:12 If the person is poor you may not use what he gives you as security for a covering. 24:13 You must by all means return to him at sunset the item he gave you as security so that he may sleep in his outer garment and bless you for it; it will be considered a just deed by the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 24:17

24:17 You must not pervert justice due a resident foreigner or an orphan, or take a widow’s garment as security for a loan.

Job 22:6

22:6 “For you took pledges from your brothers

for no reason,

and you stripped the clothing from the naked.

Job 24:3

24:3 They drive away the orphan’s donkey;

they take the widow’s ox as a pledge.

Job 24:9

24:9 The fatherless child is snatched from the breast,

the infant of the poor is taken as a pledge.

Amos 2:8

2:8 They stretch out on clothing seized as collateral;

they do so right beside every altar!

They drink wine bought with the fines they have levied;

they do so right in the temple of their God!