Galatians 5:10

5:10 I am confident in the Lord that you will accept no other view. But the one who is confusing you will pay the penalty, whoever he may be.

Galatians 5:12

5:12 I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!

Acts 15:1

The Jerusalem Council

15:1 Now some men came down from Judea and began to teach the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”

Acts 15:24

15:24 Since we have heard that some have gone out from among us with no orders from us and have confused you, upsetting your minds by what they said,

Acts 20:30

20:30 Even from among your own group men will arise, teaching perversions of the truth to draw the disciples away after them.

Acts 20:2

20:2 After he had gone through those regions and spoken many words of encouragement to the believers there, he came to Greece,

Colossians 1:13

1:13 He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son he loves,

Colossians 1:17

1:17 He himself is before all things and all things are held together in him.

Colossians 1:26

1:26 that is, the mystery that has been kept hidden from ages and generations, but has now been revealed to his saints.

Colossians 1:1


1:1 From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,

Colossians 4:1

4:1 Masters, treat your slaves with justice and fairness, because you know that you also have a master in heaven.