Genesis 12:12-13

12:12 When the Egyptians see you they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me but will keep you alive. 12:13 So tell them you are my sister so that it may go well for me because of you and my life will be spared on account of you.”

Genesis 26:7

26:7 When the men of that place asked him about his wife, he replied, “She is my sister.” He was afraid to say, “She is my wife,” for he thought to himself, “The men of this place will kill me to get Rebekah because she is very beautiful.”

Proverbs 29:25

29:25 The fear of people becomes a snare,

but whoever trusts in the Lord will be set on high.

Proverbs 29:1

29:1 The one who stiffens his neck after numerous rebukes

will suddenly be destroyed without remedy.

Colossians 1:19-20

1:19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in the Son

1:20 and through him to reconcile all things to himself by making peace through the blood of his cross – through him, whether things on earth or things in heaven.