Genesis 27:46
27:46 Then Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am deeply depressed because of these daughters of Heth. If Jacob were to marry one of these daughters of Heth who live in this land, I would want to die!”
Numbers 11:15
11:15 But if you are going to deal
with me like this, then kill me immediately.
If I have found favor in your sight then do not let me see my trouble.”
Numbers 11:1
The Israelites Complain
11:1 When the people complained, it displeased the Lord. When the Lord heard it, his anger burned, and so the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outer parts of the camp.
Numbers 19:4
19:4 Eleazar the priest is to take
some of its blood with his finger, and sprinkle some of the blood seven times
directly in front of the tent of meeting.
Job 3:20-22
Longing for Death
3:20 “Why does God give light to one who is in misery,
and life to those whose soul is bitter,
3:21 to those who wait for death that does not come,
and search for it
more than for hidden treasures,
3:22 who rejoice even to jubilation,
and are exultant when they find the grave?
Job 7:15-16
7:15 so that I would prefer strangling,
and death more than life.
7:16 I loathe it; I do not want to live forever;
leave me alone, for my days are a vapor!
Jeremiah 8:3
8:3 However, I will leave some of these wicked people alive and banish them to other places. But wherever these people who survive may go, they will wish they had died rather than lived,”
says the
Lord who rules over all.
Jeremiah 20:18
20:18 Why did I ever come forth from my mother’s womb?
All I experience is trouble and grief,
and I spend my days in shame.
Jonah 4:3
4:3 So now,
Lord, kill me instead,
because I would rather die than live!”
Jonah 4:8
4:8 When the sun began to shine, God sent
a hot
east wind. So the sun beat down
on Jonah’s head, and he grew faint. So he despaired of life,
and said, “I would rather die than live!”
Revelation 9:6
9:6 In
those days people
will seek death, but
will not be able to
find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.