Genesis 28:16-17

28:16 Then Jacob woke up and thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, but I did not realize it!” 28:17 He was afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! This is nothing else than the house of God! This is the gate of heaven!”

Joshua 5:15

5:15 The commander of the Lord’s army answered Joshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you stand is holy.” Joshua did so.

Ecclesiastes 5:1

Rash Vows

5:1 Be careful what you do when you go to the temple of God;

draw near to listen rather than to offer a sacrifice like fools,

for they do not realize that they are doing wrong.

Acts 7:33

7:33 But the Lord said to him,Take the sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.