Genesis 37:30

37:30 returned to his brothers, and said, “The boy isn’t there! And I, where can I go?”

Genesis 37:33-35

37:33 He recognized it and exclaimed, “It is my son’s tunic! A wild animal has eaten him! Joseph has surely been torn to pieces!” 37:34 Then Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourned for his son many days. 37:35 All his sons and daughters stood by him to console him, but he refused to be consoled. “No,” he said, “I will go to the grave mourning my son.” So Joseph’s father wept for him.

Genesis 42:36

42:36 Their father Jacob said to them, “You are making me childless! Joseph is gone. Simeon is gone. And now you want to take Benjamin! Everything is against me.”

Job 14:10

14:10 But man dies and is powerless;

he expires – and where is he?