48:16 the Angel
from all harm –
bless these boys.
May my name be named in them,
and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac.
May they grow into a multitude on the earth.”
27:2 When evil men attack me
to devour my flesh,
when my adversaries and enemies attack me,
they stumble and fall.
37:40 The Lord helps them and rescues them;
he rescues them from evil men and delivers them,
for they seek his protection.
49:24 Can spoils be taken from a warrior,
or captives be rescued from a conqueror?
49:25 Indeed,” says the Lord,
“captives will be taken from a warrior;
spoils will be rescued from a conqueror.
I will oppose your adversary
and I will rescue your children.
54:17 No weapon forged to be used against you will succeed;
you will refute everyone who tries to accuse you.
This is what the Lord will do for his servants –
I will vindicate them,”
says the Lord.
6:13 And do not lead us into temptation,