Genesis 49:18

49:18 I wait for your deliverance, O Lord.

Psalms 27:14

27:14 Rely on the Lord!

Be strong and confident!

Rely on the Lord!

Psalms 37:7

37:7 Wait patiently for the Lord!

Wait confidently for him!

Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner,

a man who carries out wicked schemes!

Psalms 123:2

123:2 Look, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master,

as the eyes of a female servant look to the hand of her mistress,

so my eyes will look to the Lord, our God, until he shows us favor.

Psalms 130:5-7

130:5 I rely on the Lord,

I rely on him with my whole being;

I wait for his assuring word.

130:6 I yearn for the Lord,

more than watchmen do for the morning,

yes, more than watchmen do for the morning.

130:7 O Israel, hope in the Lord,

for the Lord exhibits loyal love,

and is more than willing to deliver.

Isaiah 8:17

8:17 I will wait patiently for the Lord,

who has rejected the family of Jacob;

I will wait for him.

Isaiah 30:18

The Lord Will Not Abandon His People

30:18 For this reason the Lord is ready to show you mercy;

he sits on his throne, ready to have compassion on you.

Indeed, the Lord is a just God;

all who wait for him in faith will be blessed.

Isaiah 40:31

40:31 But those who wait for the Lord’s help find renewed strength;

they rise up as if they had eagles’ wings,

they run without growing weary,

they walk without getting tired.

Lamentations 3:25-26

ט (Tet)

3:25 The Lord is good to those who trust in him,

to the one who seeks him.

3:26 It is good to wait patiently

for deliverance from the Lord.

Habakkuk 2:3

2:3 For the message is a witness to what is decreed;

it gives reliable testimony about how matters will turn out.

Even if the message is not fulfilled right away, wait patiently;

for it will certainly come to pass – it will not arrive late.

Zephaniah 3:8

3:8 Therefore you must wait patiently for me,” says the Lord,

“for the day when I attack and take plunder.

I have decided to gather nations together

and assemble kingdoms,

so I can pour out my fury on them –

all my raging anger.

For the whole earth will be consumed

by my fiery anger.