Genesis 18:12

18:12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “After I am worn out will I have pleasure, especially when my husband is old too?”

Genesis 24:18

24:18 “Drink, my lord,” she replied, and quickly lowering her jug to her hands, she gave him a drink.

Genesis 24:35

24:35 “The Lord has richly blessed my master and he has become very wealthy. The Lord has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male and female servants, and camels and donkeys.

Genesis 31:35

31:35 Rachel said to her father, “Don’t be angry, my lord. I cannot stand up in your presence because I am having my period.” So he searched thoroughly, but did not find the idols.

Genesis 32:4-5

32:4 He commanded them, “This is what you must say to my lord Esau: ‘This is what your servant Jacob says: I have been staying with Laban until now. 32:5 I have oxen, donkeys, sheep, and male and female servants. I have sent this message to inform my lord, so that I may find favor in your sight.’”

Genesis 32:18

32:18 then you must say, ‘They belong to your servant Jacob. They have been sent as a gift to my lord Esau. In fact Jacob himself is behind us.’”

Genesis 42:10

42:10 But they exclaimed, “No, my lord! Your servants have come to buy grain for food!

Genesis 44:5

44:5 Doesn’t my master drink from this cup and use it for divination? You have done wrong!’”

Genesis 44:8

44:8 Look, the money that we found in the mouths of our sacks we brought back to you from the land of Canaan. Why then would we steal silver or gold from your master’s house?

Exodus 32:22

32:22 Aaron said, “Do not let your anger burn hot, my lord; you know these people, that they tend to evil.

Ruth 2:13

2:13 She said, “You really are being kind to me, sir, for you have reassured and encouraged me, your servant, even though I am not one of your servants!”