Genesis 27:27
27:27 So Jacob
went over and kissed him. When Isaac caught the scent
of his clothing, he blessed him, saying,
“Yes, my son smells
like the scent of an open field
which the Lord has blessed.
Genesis 31:55
31:55 (32:1) Early in the morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters goodbye and blessed them. Then Laban left and returned home.
Genesis 45:15
45:15 He kissed all his brothers and wept over them. After this his brothers talked with him.
Genesis 45:1
The Reconciliation of the Brothers
45:1 Joseph was no longer able to control himself before all his attendants, so he cried out, “Make everyone go out from my presence!” No one remained with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers.
Genesis 19:20
19:20 Look, this town
over here is close enough to escape to, and it’s just a little one.
Let me go there.
It’s just a little place, isn’t it?
Then I’ll survive.”