Genesis 28:19

28:19 He called that place Bethel, although the former name of the town was Luz.

Genesis 35:3

35:3 Let us go up at once to Bethel. Then I will make an altar there to God, who responded to me in my time of distress and has been with me wherever I went.”

Genesis 35:15-16

35:15 Jacob named the place where God spoke with him Bethel.

35:16 They traveled on from Bethel, and when Ephrath was still some distance away, Rachel went into labor – and her labor was hard.

Joshua 8:17

8:17 No men were left in Ai or Bethel; they all went out after Israel. They left the city wide open and chased Israel.

Joshua 18:22

18:22 Beth Arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel,

Nehemiah 11:31

11:31 Some of the descendants of Benjamin settled in Geba, Micmash, Aija, Bethel and its villages,