Genesis 32:26

32:26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” “I will not let you go,” Jacob replied, “unless you bless me.”

Genesis 32:2

32:2 When Jacob saw them, he exclaimed, “This is the camp of God!” So he named that place Mahanaim.

Genesis 5:11-12

5:11 The entire lifetime of Enosh was 905 years, and then he died.

5:12 When Kenan had lived 70 years, he became the father of Mahalalel.

Isaiah 45:11

45:11 This is what the Lord says,

the Holy One of Israel, the one who formed him,

concerning things to come:

“How dare you question me about my children!

How dare you tell me what to do with the work of my own hands!

John 13:6-8

13:6 Then he came to Simon Peter. Peter said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” 13:7 Jesus replied, “You do not understand what I am doing now, but you will understand after these things.” 13:8 Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet!” Jesus replied, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.”

Acts 9:13

9:13 But Ananias replied, “Lord, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem,

Acts 10:14

10:14 But Peter said, “Certainly not, Lord, for I have never eaten anything defiled and ritually unclean!”