Habakkuk 1:1-10

Habakkuk Complains to the Lord

1:1 The following is the message which God revealed to Habakkuk the prophet:

1:2 How long, Lord, must I cry for help?

But you do not listen!

I call out to you, “Violence!”

But you do not intervene!

1:3 Why do you force me to witness injustice?

Why do you put up with wrongdoing?

Destruction and violence confront me;

conflict is present and one must endure strife.

1:4 For this reason the law lacks power,

and justice is never carried out.

Indeed, the wicked intimidate the innocent.

For this reason justice is perverted.

The Lord Reveals Some Startling News

1:5 “Look at the nations and pay attention!

You will be shocked and amazed!

For I will do something in your lifetime

that you will not believe even though you are forewarned.

1:6 Look, I am about to empower the Babylonians,

that ruthless and greedy nation.

They sweep across the surface of the earth,

seizing dwelling places that do not belong to them.

1:7 They are frightening and terrifying;

they decide for themselves what is right.

1:8 Their horses are faster than leopards

and more alert than wolves in the desert.

Their horses gallop,

their horses come a great distance;

like a vulture they swoop down quickly to devour their prey.

1:9 All of them intend to do violence;

every face is determined.

They take prisoners as easily as one scoops up sand.

1:10 They mock kings

and laugh at rulers.

They laugh at every fortified city;

they build siege ramps and capture them.