Hosea 8:7

The Fertility Cultists Will Become Infertile

8:7 They sow the wind,

and so they will reap the whirlwind!

The stalk does not have any standing grain;

it will not produce any flour.

Even if it were to yield grain,

foreigners would swallow it all up.

Hosea 8:2

8:2 Israel cries out to me,

“My God, we acknowledge you!”

Hosea 13:3-7

13:3 Therefore they will disappear like the morning mist,

like early morning dew that evaporates,

like chaff that is blown away from a threshing floor,

like smoke that disappears through an open window.

Well-Fed Israel Will Be Fed to Wild Animals

13:4 But I am the Lord your God,

who brought you out of Egypt.

Therefore, you must not acknowledge any God but me;

except me there is no Savior.

13:5 I cared for you in the wilderness,

in the dry desert where no water was.

13:6 When they were fed, they became satisfied;

when they were satisfied, they became proud;

as a result, they forgot me!

13:7 So I will pounce on them like a lion;

like a leopard I will lurk by the path.

Hosea 13:1

Baal Worshipers and Calf Worshipers to be Destroyed

13:1 When Ephraim spoke, there was terror;

he was exalted in Israel,

but he became guilty by worshiping Baal and died.

Hosea 1:1


1:1 This is the word of the Lord which was revealed to Hosea son of Beeri during the time when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah ruled Judah, and during the time when Jeroboam son of Joash ruled Israel.

Proverbs 23:35

23:35 You will say, “They have struck me, but I am not harmed!

They beat me, but I did not know it!

When will I awake? I will look for another drink.”

Isaiah 42:22-25

42:22 But these people are looted and plundered;

all of them are trapped in pits

and held captive in prisons.

They were carried away as loot with no one to rescue them;

they were carried away as plunder, and no one says, “Bring that back!”

42:23 Who among you will pay attention to this?

Who will listen attentively in the future?

42:24 Who handed Jacob over to the robber?

Who handed Israel over to the looters?

Was it not the Lord, against whom we sinned?

They refused to follow his commands;

they disobeyed his law.

42:25 So he poured out his fierce anger on them,

along with the devastation of war.

Its flames encircled them, but they did not realize it;

it burned against them, but they did notice.

Isaiah 57:1

57:1 The godly perish,

but no one cares.

Honest people disappear,

when no one minds

that the godly disappear because of evil.