Hosea 9:5-9

9:5 So what will you do on the festival day,

on the festival days of the Lord?

No Escape for the Israelites This Time!

9:6 Look! Even if they flee from the destruction,

Egypt will take hold of them,

and Memphis will bury them.

The weeds will inherit the silver they treasure

thorn bushes will occupy their homes.

9:7 The time of judgment is about to arrive!

The time of retribution is imminent!

Let Israel know!

Israel Rejects Hosea’s Prophetic Exhortations

The prophet is considered a fool

the inspired man is viewed as a madman

because of the multitude of your sins

and your intense animosity.

9:8 The prophet is a watchman over Ephraim on behalf of God,

yet traps are laid for him along all of his paths;

animosity rages against him in the land of his God.

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

9:9 They have sunk deep into corruption

as in the days of Gibeah.

He will remember their wrongdoing.

He will repay them for their sins.