Isaiah 1:13

1:13 Do not bring any more meaningless offerings;

I consider your incense detestable!

You observe new moon festivals, Sabbaths, and convocations,

but I cannot tolerate sin-stained celebrations!

Isaiah 65:4

65:4 They sit among the tombs

and keep watch all night long.

They eat pork,

and broth from unclean sacrificial meat is in their pans.

Isaiah 66:3

66:3 The one who slaughters a bull also strikes down a man;

the one who sacrifices a lamb also breaks a dog’s neck;

the one who presents an offering includes pig’s blood with it;

the one who offers incense also praises an idol.

They have decided to behave this way;

they enjoy these disgusting practices.

Jeremiah 16:18

16:18 Before I restore them I will punish them in full for their sins and the wrongs they have done. For they have polluted my land with the lifeless statues of their disgusting idols. They have filled the land I have claimed as my own with their detestable idols.”