Isaiah 10:7-11

10:7 But he does not agree with this,

his mind does not reason this way,

for his goal is to destroy,

and to eliminate many nations.

10:8 Indeed, he says:

“Are not my officials all kings?

10:9 Is not Calneh like Carchemish?

Hamath like Arpad?

Samaria like Damascus?

10:10 I overpowered kingdoms ruled by idols,

whose carved images were more impressive than Jerusalem’s or Samaria’s.

10:11 As I have done to Samaria and its idols,

so I will do to Jerusalem and its idols.”

Isaiah 37:24-25

37:24 Through your messengers you taunted the sovereign master,

‘With my many chariots I climbed up

the high mountains,

the slopes of Lebanon.

I cut down its tall cedars

and its best evergreens.

I invaded its most remote regions,

its thickest woods.

37:25 I dug wells

and drank water.

With the soles of my feet I dried up

all the rivers of Egypt.’

Micah 2:13

2:13 The one who can break through barriers will lead them out

they will break out, pass through the gate, and leave.

Their king will advance before them,

The Lord himself will lead them.