Isaiah 12:2

12:2 Look, God is my deliverer!

I will trust in him and not fear.

For the Lord gives me strength and protects me;

he has become my deliverer.”

Isaiah 12:1

12:1 At that time you will say:

“I praise you, O Lord,

for even though you were angry with me,

your anger subsided, and you consoled me.

Isaiah 16:1

16:1 Send rams as tribute to the ruler of the land,

from Sela in the desert

to the hill of Daughter Zion.

Psalms 65:5

65:5 You answer our prayers by performing awesome acts of deliverance,

O God, our savior.

All the ends of the earth trust in you,

as well as those living across the wide seas.

Psalms 68:19-20

68:19 The Lord deserves praise!

Day after day he carries our burden,

the God who delivers us. (Selah)

68:20 Our God is a God who delivers;

the Lord, the sovereign Lord, can rescue from death.

Psalms 79:9

79:9 Help us, O God, our deliverer!

For the sake of your glorious reputation, rescue us!

Forgive our sins for the sake of your reputation!

Psalms 85:4

85:4 Restore us, O God our deliverer!

Do not be displeased with us!

Habakkuk 3:18

3:18 I will rejoice because of the Lord;

I will be happy because of the God who delivers me!