Isaiah 12:2

12:2 Look, God is my deliverer!

I will trust in him and not fear.

For the Lord gives me strength and protects me;

he has become my deliverer.”

Isaiah 45:21

45:21 Tell me! Present the evidence!

Let them consult with one another!

Who predicted this in the past?

Who announced it beforehand?

Was it not I, the Lord?

I have no peer, there is no God but me,

a God who vindicates and delivers;

there is none but me.

Luke 1:47

1:47 and my spirit has begun to rejoice in God my Savior,

Luke 1:71

1:71 that we should be saved from our enemies,

and from the hand of all who hate us.

Titus 3:4

3:4 But “when the kindness of God our Savior and his love for mankind appeared,

Titus 3:6

3:6 whom he poured out on us in full measure through Jesus Christ our Savior.