Isaiah 13:9
13:9 Look, the Lord’s day of judgment is coming;
it is a day of cruelty and savage, raging anger,
destroying the earth
and annihilating its sinners.
Isaiah 13:15
13:15 Everyone who is caught will be stabbed;
everyone who is seized will die by the sword.
Isaiah 24:23
24:23 The full moon will be covered up,
the bright sun will be darkened;
for the Lord who commands armies will rule
on Mount Zion in Jerusalem
in the presence of his assembly, in majestic splendor.
Jeremiah 4:23
4:23 “I looked at the land and saw that it was an empty wasteland.
I looked up at the sky, and its light had vanished.
Amos 8:9
8:9 In that day,” says the sovereign Lord, “I will make the sun set at noon,
and make the earth dark in the middle of the day.
Matthew 24:29
The Arrival of the Son of Man
24:29 “Immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken.
Matthew 27:45
Jesus’ Death
27:45 Now from noon until three, darkness came over all the land.
Mark 13:24
The Arrival of the Son of Man
13:24 “But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light;
Luke 21:25
The Arrival of the Son of Man
21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth nations will be in distress, anxious over the roaring of the sea and the surging waves.
Luke 21:2
21:2 He also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.
Luke 3:7
3:7 So John said to the crowds that came out to be baptized by him, “You offspring of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
Luke 3:10
3:10 So the crowds were asking him, “What then should we do?”
Revelation 6:12
6:12 Then I looked when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and a huge earthquake took place; the sun became as black as sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon became blood red;
Revelation 16:8
16:8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was permitted to scorch people with fire.