Isaiah 14:13-15

14:13 You said to yourself,

“I will climb up to the sky.

Above the stars of El

I will set up my throne.

I will rule on the mountain of assembly

on the remote slopes of Zaphon.

14:14 I will climb up to the tops of the clouds;

I will make myself like the Most High!”

14:15 But you were brought down to Sheol,

to the remote slopes of the pit.

Isaiah 47:7-8

47:7 You said,

‘I will rule forever as permanent queen!’

You did not think about these things;

you did not consider how it would turn out.

47:8 So now, listen to this,

O one who lives so lavishly,

who lives securely,

who says to herself,

‘I am unique! No one can compare to me!

I will never have to live as a widow;

I will never lose my children.’

Jeremiah 49:4

49:4 Why do you brag about your great power?

Your power is ebbing away, you rebellious people of Ammon,

who trust in your riches and say,

‘Who would dare to attack us?’

Revelation 18:7-8

18:7 As much as she exalted herself and lived in sensual luxury, to this extent give her torment and grief because she said to herself, ‘I rule as queen and am no widow; I will never experience grief!’ 18:8 For this reason, she will experience her plagues in a single day: disease, mourning, and famine, and she will be burned down with fire, because the Lord God who judges her is powerful!”