Isaiah 2:20

2:20 At that time men will throw

their silver and gold idols,

which they made for themselves to worship,

into the caves where rodents and bats live,

Isaiah 30:22

30:22 You will desecrate your silver-plated idols

and your gold-plated images.

You will throw them away as if they were a menstrual rag,

saying to them, “Get out!”

Ezekiel 11:18

11:18 “When they return to it, they will remove from it all its detestable things and all its abominations.

Hosea 14:8

14:8 O Ephraim, I do not want to have anything to do with idols anymore!

I will answer him and care for him.

I am like a luxuriant cypress tree;

your fruitfulness comes from me!

Romans 2:22

2:22 You who tell others not to commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?