Isaiah 24:4-12

24:4 The earth dries up and withers,

the world shrivels up and withers;

the prominent people of the earth fade away.

24:5 The earth is defiled by its inhabitants,

for they have violated laws,

disregarded the regulation,

and broken the permanent treaty.

24:6 So a treaty curse devours the earth;

its inhabitants pay for their guilt.

This is why the inhabitants of the earth disappear,

and are reduced to just a handful of people.

24:7 The new wine dries up,

the vines shrivel up,

all those who like to celebrate groan.

24:8 The happy sound of the tambourines stops,

the revelry of those who celebrate comes to a halt,

the happy sound of the harp ceases.

24:9 They no longer sing and drink wine;

the beer tastes bitter to those who drink it.

24:10 The ruined town is shattered;

all of the houses are shut up tight.

24:11 They howl in the streets because of what happened to the wine;

all joy turns to sorrow;

celebrations disappear from the earth.

24:12 The city is left in ruins;

the gate is reduced to rubble.

Jeremiah 4:27

4:27 All this will happen because the Lord said,

“The whole land will be desolate;

however, I will not completely destroy it.

Joel 1:10-13

1:10 The crops of the fields have been destroyed.

The ground is in mourning because the grain has perished.

The fresh wine has dried up;

the olive oil languishes.

1:11 Be distressed, farmers;

wail, vinedressers, over the wheat and the barley.

For the harvest of the field has perished.

1:12 The vine has dried up;

the fig tree languishes –

the pomegranate, date, and apple as well.

In fact, all the trees of the field have dried up.

Indeed, the joy of the people has dried up!

1:13 Get dressed and lament, you priests!

Wail, you who minister at the altar!

Come, spend the night in sackcloth, you servants of my God,

because no one brings grain offerings or drink offerings

to the temple of your God anymore.

Amos 1:2

God Will Judge the Surrounding Nations

1:2 Amos said:

“The Lord comes roaring out of Zion;

from Jerusalem he comes bellowing!

The shepherds’ pastures wilt;

the summit of Carmel withers.”

Amos 5:16

5:16 Because of Israel’s sins this is what the Lord, the God who commands armies, the sovereign One, says:

“In all the squares there will be wailing,

in all the streets they will mourn the dead.

They will tell the field workers to lament

and the professional mourners to wail.

Amos 8:8

8:8 Because of this the earth will quake,

and all who live in it will mourn.

The whole earth will rise like the River Nile,

it will surge upward and then grow calm, like the Nile in Egypt.

Nahum 1:4

1:4 He shouts a battle cry against the sea and makes it dry up;

he makes all the rivers run dry.

Bashan and Carmel wither;

the blossom of Lebanon withers.