Isaiah 25:4

25:4 For you are a protector for the poor,

a protector for the needy in their distress,

a shelter from the rainstorm,

a shade from the heat.

Though the breath of tyrants is like a winter rainstorm,

Isaiah 26:3-4

26:3 You keep completely safe the people who maintain their faith,

for they trust in you.

26:4 Trust in the Lord from this time forward,

even in Yah, the Lord, an enduring protector!

Isaiah 45:24

45:24 they will say about me,

“Yes, the Lord is a powerful deliverer.”’”

All who are angry at him will cower before him.

Isaiah 56:2

56:2 The people who do this will be blessed,

the people who commit themselves to obedience,

who observe the Sabbath and do not defile it,

who refrain from doing anything that is wrong.

Isaiah 64:7

64:7 No one invokes your name,

or makes an effort to take hold of you.

For you have rejected us

and handed us over to our own sins.

Joshua 9:24-25

9:24 They said to Joshua, “It was carefully reported to your subjects how the Lord your God commanded Moses his servant to assign you the whole land and to destroy all who live in the land from before you. Because of you we were terrified we would lose our lives, so we did this thing. 9:25 So now we are in your power. Do to us what you think is good and appropriate.

Joshua 10:6

10:6 The men of Gibeon sent this message to Joshua at the camp in Gilgal, “Do not abandon your subjects! Rescue us! Help us! For all the Amorite kings living in the hill country are attacking us.”

Job 22:21

22:21 “Reconcile yourself with God,

and be at peace with him;

in this way your prosperity will be good.

Luke 13:34

13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would have none of it!

Luke 14:32

14:32 If he cannot succeed, he will send a representative while the other is still a long way off and ask for terms of peace.

Luke 19:42

19:42 saying, “If you had only known on this day, even you, the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.

Hebrews 6:18

6:18 so that we who have found refuge in him may find strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us through two unchangeable things, since it is impossible for God to lie.