26:1 At that time
“We have a strong city!
The Lord’s
In earlier times he
the land of Zebulun,
and the land of Naphtali;
but now he brings honor
to the way of the sea,
the region beyond the Jordan,
and Galilee of the nations.
9:2 (9:1) The people walking in darkness
see a bright light;
light shines
on those who live in a land of deep darkness.
9:3 You
you give them great joy.
They rejoice in your presence
as harvesters rejoice;
as warriors celebrate
9:4 For their oppressive yoke
and the club that strikes their shoulders,
the cudgel the oppressor uses on them,
you have shattered, as in the day of Midian’s defeat.
9:5 Indeed every boot that marches and shakes the earth
and every garment dragged through blood
is used as fuel for the fire.
9:6 For a child has been
a son has been given to us.
He shoulders responsibility
and is called:
Extraordinary Strategist,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
9:7 His dominion will be vast
and he will bring immeasurable prosperity.
He will rule on David’s throne
and over David’s kingdom,
establishing it
by promoting justice and fairness,
from this time forward and forevermore.
The Lord’s intense devotion to his people
and it fell on Israel.
9:9 All the people were aware
the people of Ephraim and those living in Samaria.
Yet with pride and an arrogant attitude, they said,
9:10 “The bricks have fallen,
but we will rebuild with chiseled stone;
the sycamore fig trees have been cut down,
but we will replace them with cedars.”
9:11 Then the Lord provoked
he stirred up
9:12 Syria from the east,
and the Philistines from the west,
they gobbled up Israelite territory.
Despite all this, his anger does not subside,
and his hand is ready to strike again.
9:13 The people did not return to the one who struck them,
they did not seek reconciliation
9:14 So the Lord cut off Israel’s head and tail,
both the shoots and stalk
9:15 The leaders and the highly respected people
the prophets who teach lies are the tail.
9:16 The leaders of this nation were misleading people,
and the people being led were destroyed.
9:17 So the sovereign master was not pleased
he took no pity
for the whole nation was godless
every mouth was speaking disgraceful words.
Despite all this, his anger does not subside,
and his hand is ready to strike again.
9:18 For
it consumed thorns and briers;
it burned up the thickets of the forest,
and they went up in smoke.
9:19 Because of the anger of the Lord who commands armies, the land was scorched,
and the people became fuel for the fire.
People had no compassion on one another.
9:20 They devoured
they ate on the left, but were not satisfied.
People even ate
9:21 Manasseh fought against
and Ephraim against Manasseh;
together they fought against Judah.
Despite all this, his anger does not subside,
and his hand is ready to strike again.