Isaiah 27:11
27:11 When its branches get brittle, they break;
women come and use them for kindling.
For these people lack understanding,
therefore the one who made them has no compassion on them;
the one who formed them has no mercy on them.
Deuteronomy 29:20
29:20 The
Lord will be unwilling to forgive him, and his intense anger
will rage
against that man; all the curses
written in this scroll will fall upon him
and the
Lord will obliterate his name from memory.
Job 27:22
27:22 It hurls itself against him without pity
as he flees headlong from its power.
Jeremiah 13:14
13:14 And I will smash them like wine bottles against one another, children and parents alike.
I will not show any pity, mercy, or compassion. Nothing will keep me from destroying them,’
says the
Ezekiel 5:11
5:11 “Therefore, as surely as I live, says the sovereign Lord, because you defiled my sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominable practices, I will withdraw; my eye will not pity you, nor will I spare you.
Ezekiel 7:4
7:4 My eye will not pity you; I will not spare
For I will hold you responsible for your behavior,
and you will suffer the consequences of your abominable practices.
Then you will know that I am the
Ezekiel 7:9
7:9 My eye will not pity you; I will not spare
you. For your behavior I will hold you accountable,
and you will suffer the consequences of your abominable practices. Then you will know that it is I, the
Lord, who is striking you.
Ezekiel 8:18
8:18 Therefore I will act with fury! My eye will not pity them nor will I spare
them. When they have shouted in my ears, I will not listen to them.”
Ezekiel 9:10
9:10 But as for me, my eye will not pity them nor will I spare
them; I hereby repay them for what they have done.”
Ezekiel 24:14
24:14 “‘I the Lord have spoken; judgment is coming and I will act! I will not relent, or show pity, or be sorry! I will judge you according to your conduct and your deeds, declares the sovereign Lord.’”
Romans 8:32
8:32 Indeed, he who
did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, freely give us all things?
Romans 11:21
11:21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, perhaps he will not spare you.
Romans 11:2
11:2 God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew! Do you not know what the scripture says about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel?
Romans 2:4-5
2:4 Or do you have contempt for the wealth of his kindness, forbearance, and patience, and yet do not know
that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?
2:5 But because of your stubbornness
and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourselves in the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment is revealed!