27:2 When that time comes,
sing about a delightful vineyard!
27:3 I, the Lord, protect it;
I water it regularly.
I guard it night and day,
so no one can harm it.
27:4 I am not angry.
I wish I could confront some thorns and briers!
Then I would march against them
I would set them
27:5 unless they became my subjects
and made peace with me;
let them make peace with me.
27:6 The time is coming when Jacob will take root;
Israel will blossom and grow branches.
The produce
27:7 Has the Lord struck down Israel like he did their oppressors?
Has Israel been killed like their enemies?
27:8 When you summon her for divorce, you prosecute her;
he drives her away
27:9 So in this way Jacob’s sin will be forgiven,
and this is how they will show they are finished sinning:
They will make all the stones of the altars
like crushed limestone,
and the Asherah poles and the incense altars will no longer stand.
27:10 For the fortified city
it is a deserted settlement
and abandoned like the desert.
they lie down there
and eat its branches bare.
27:11 When its branches get brittle,
women come and use them for kindling.
For these people lack understanding,
therefore the one who made them has no compassion on them;
the one who formed them has no mercy on them.