Isaiah 28:15

28:15 For you say,

“We have made a treaty with death,

with Sheol we have made an agreement.

When the overwhelming judgment sweeps by

it will not reach us.

For we have made a lie our refuge,

we have hidden ourselves in a deceitful word.”

Jude 1:5

1:5 Now I desire to remind you (even though you have been fully informed of these facts once for all) that Jesus, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, later destroyed those who did not believe.

Jude 1:13

1:13 wild sea waves, spewing out the foam of their shame; wayward stars for whom the utter depths of eternal darkness have been reserved.

Jude 1:2

1:2 May mercy, peace, and love be lavished on you!

Jude 1:20-23

1:20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith, by praying in the Holy Spirit, 1:21 maintain yourselves in the love of God, while anticipating the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that brings eternal life. 1:22 And have mercy on those who waver; 1:23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; have mercy on others, coupled with a fear of God, hating even the clothes stained by the flesh.

Psalms 10:11

10:11 He says to himself,

“God overlooks it;

he does not pay attention;

he never notices.”

Psalms 14:1

Psalm 14

For the music director; by David.

14:1 Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.”

They sin and commit evil deeds;

none of them does what is right.

Psalms 36:2

36:2 for he is too proud

to recognize and give up his sin.

Psalms 94:5-11

94:5 O Lord, they crush your people;

they oppress the nation that belongs to you.

94:6 They kill the widow and the one residing outside his native land,

and they murder the fatherless.

94:7 Then they say, “The Lord does not see this;

the God of Jacob does not take notice of it.”

94:8 Take notice of this, you ignorant people!

You fools, when will you ever understand?

94:9 Does the one who makes the human ear not hear?

Does the one who forms the human eye not see?

94:10 Does the one who disciplines the nations not punish?

He is the one who imparts knowledge to human beings!

94:11 The Lord knows that

peoples’ thoughts are morally bankrupt.

Jeremiah 5:31

5:31 The prophets prophesy lies.

The priests exercise power by their own authority.

And my people love to have it this way.

But they will not be able to help you when the time of judgment comes!

Jeremiah 8:5-9

8:5 Why, then, do these people of Jerusalem

continually turn away from me in apostasy?

They hold fast to their deception.

They refuse to turn back to me.

8:6 I have listened to them very carefully,

but they do not speak honestly.

None of them regrets the evil he has done.

None of them says, “I have done wrong!”

All of them persist in their own wayward course

like a horse charging recklessly into battle.

8:7 Even the stork knows

when it is time to move on.

The turtledove, swallow, and crane

recognize the normal times for their migration.

But my people pay no attention

to what I, the Lord, require of them.

8:8 How can you say, “We are wise!

We have the law of the Lord”?

The truth is, those who teach it have used their writings

to make it say what it does not really mean.

8:9 Your wise men will be put to shame.

They will be dumbfounded and be brought to judgment.

Since they have rejected the word of the Lord,

what wisdom do they really have?

Jeremiah 23:10

23:10 For the land is full of people unfaithful to him.

They live wicked lives and they misuse their power.

So the land is dried up because it is under his curse.

The pastures in the wilderness are withered.

Jeremiah 23:14

23:14 But I see the prophets of Jerusalem

doing something just as shocking.

They are unfaithful to me

and continually prophesy lies.

So they give encouragement to people who are doing evil,

with the result that they do not stop their evildoing.

I consider all of them as bad as the people of Sodom,

and the citizens of Jerusalem as bad as the people of Gomorrah.

Jeremiah 23:24

23:24 “Do you really think anyone can hide himself

where I cannot see him?” the Lord asks.

“Do you not know that I am everywhere?”

the Lord asks.

Jeremiah 28:15-16

28:15 Then the prophet Jeremiah told the prophet Hananiah, “Listen, Hananiah! The Lord did not send you! You are making these people trust in a lie! 28:16 So the Lord says, ‘I will most assuredly remove you from the face of the earth. You will die this very year because you have counseled rebellion against the Lord.’”

Jeremiah 44:15-19

44:15 Then all the men who were aware that their wives were sacrificing to other gods, as well as all their wives, answered Jeremiah. There was a great crowd of them representing all the people who lived in northern and southern Egypt. They answered, 44:16 “We will not listen to what you claim the Lord has spoken to us! 44:17 Instead we will do everything we vowed we would do. We will sacrifice and pour out drink offerings to the goddess called the Queen of Heaven just as we and our ancestors, our kings, and our leaders previously did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then we had plenty of food, were well-off, and had no troubles. 44:18 But ever since we stopped sacrificing and pouring out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven, we have been in great need. Our people have died in wars or of starvation.” 44:19 The women added, “We did indeed sacrifice and pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven. But it was with the full knowledge and approval of our husbands that we made cakes in her image and poured out drink offerings to her.”

Ezekiel 13:10-11

13:10 “‘This is because they have led my people astray saying, “All is well,” when things are not well. When anyone builds a wall without mortar, they coat it with whitewash. 13:11 Tell the ones who coat it with whitewash that it will fall. When there is a deluge of rain, hailstones will fall and a violent wind will break out.

Ezekiel 13:22

13:22 This is because you have disheartened the righteous person with lies (although I have not grieved him), and because you have encouraged the wicked person not to turn from his evil conduct and preserve his life.

Zephaniah 1:12

1:12 At that time I will search through Jerusalem with lamps.

I will punish the people who are entrenched in their sin,

those who think to themselves,

‘The Lord neither rewards nor punishes.’

John 16:2

16:2 They will put you out of the synagogue, yet a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he is offering service to God.

Acts 26:9

26:9 Of course, I myself was convinced that it was necessary to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus the Nazarene.