Isaiah 28:15

28:15 For you say,

“We have made a treaty with death,

with Sheol we have made an agreement.

When the overwhelming judgment sweeps by

it will not reach us.

For we have made a lie our refuge,

we have hidden ourselves in a deceitful word.”

Isaiah 47:10

47:10 You were complacent in your evil deeds;

you thought, ‘No one sees me.’

Your self-professed wisdom and knowledge lead you astray,

when you say, ‘I am unique! No one can compare to me!’

Psalms 52:7

52:7 “Look, here is the man who would not make God his protector!

He trusted in his great wealth

and was confident about his plans to destroy others.”

Psalms 62:10

62:10 Do not trust in what you can gain by oppression!

Do not put false confidence in what you can gain by robbery!

If wealth increases, do not become attached to it!

Jeremiah 13:25

13:25 This is your fate,

the destiny to which I have appointed you,

because you have forgotten me

and have trusted in false gods.