Isaiah 28:21

28:21 For the Lord will rise up, as he did at Mount Perazim,

he will rouse himself, as he did in the Valley of Gibeon,

to accomplish his work,

his peculiar work,

to perform his task,

his strange task.

Isaiah 63:4-5

63:4 For I looked forward to the day of vengeance,

and then payback time arrived.

63:5 I looked, but there was no one to help;

I was shocked because there was no one offering support.

So my right arm accomplished deliverance;

my raging anger drove me on.

Numbers 10:35

10:35 And when the ark traveled, Moses would say, “Rise up, O Lord! May your enemies be scattered, and may those who hate you flee before you!”

Psalms 12:5-6

12:5 “Because of the violence done to the oppressed,

because of the painful cries of the needy,

I will spring into action,” says the Lord.

“I will provide the safety they so desperately desire.”

12:6 The Lord’s words are absolutely reliable.

They are as untainted as silver purified in a furnace on the ground,

where it is thoroughly refined.

Psalms 68:1-2

Psalm 68

For the music director; by David, a psalm, a song.

68:1 God springs into action!

His enemies scatter;

his adversaries run from him.

68:2 As smoke is driven away by the wind, so you drive them away.

As wax melts before fire,

so the wicked are destroyed before God.

Psalms 78:65-66

78:65 But then the Lord awoke from his sleep;

he was like a warrior in a drunken rage.

78:66 He drove his enemies back;

he made them a permanent target for insults.

Zephaniah 3:8

3:8 Therefore you must wait patiently for me,” says the Lord,

“for the day when I attack and take plunder.

I have decided to gather nations together

and assemble kingdoms,

so I can pour out my fury on them –

all my raging anger.

For the whole earth will be consumed

by my fiery anger.