Isaiah 30:17

30:17 One thousand will scurry at the battle cry of one enemy soldier;

at the battle cry of five enemy soldiers you will all run away,

until the remaining few are as isolated

as a flagpole on a mountaintop

or a signal flag on a hill.”

Psalms 48:6

48:6 Look at them shake uncontrollably,

like a woman writhing in childbirth.

Jeremiah 30:5-7

30:5 Yes, here is what he says:

“You hear cries of panic and of terror;

there is no peace in sight.

30:6 Ask yourselves this and consider it carefully:

Have you ever seen a man give birth to a baby?

Why then do I see all these strong men

grabbing their stomachs in pain like a woman giving birth?

And why do their faces

turn so deathly pale?

30:7 Alas, what a terrible time of trouble it is!

There has never been any like it.

It is a time of trouble for the descendants of Jacob,

but some of them will be rescued out of it.

Jeremiah 50:37

50:37 Destructive forces will come against her horses and her chariots.

Destructive forces will come against all the foreign troops within her;

they will be as frightened as women!

Destructive forces will come against her treasures;

they will be taken away as plunder!

Jeremiah 51:30

51:30 The soldiers of Babylonia will stop fighting.

They will remain in their fortified cities.

They will lose their strength to do battle.

They will be as frightened as women.

The houses in her cities will be set on fire.

The gates of her cities will be broken down.

Nahum 3:13

3:13 Your warriors will be like women in your midst;

the gates of your land will be wide open to your enemies;

fire will consume the bars of your gates.