Isaiah 37:17

37:17 Pay attention, Lord, and hear! Open your eyes, Lord, and observe! Listen to this entire message Sennacherib sent and how he taunts the living God!

Isaiah 37:23

37:23 Whom have you taunted and hurled insults at?

At whom have you shouted

and looked so arrogantly?

At the Holy One of Israel!

Isaiah 37:29

37:29 Because you rage against me

and the uproar you create has reached my ears,

I will put my hook in your nose,

and my bridle between your lips,

and I will lead you back

the way you came.”

Isaiah 37:36

37:36 The Lord’s messenger went out and killed 185,000 troops in the Assyrian camp. When they got up early the next morning, there were all the corpses!

Isaiah 37:38

37:38 One day, as he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer struck him down with the sword. They ran away to the land of Ararat; his son Esarhaddon replaced him as king.

Micah 4:11

4:11 Many nations have now assembled against you.

They say, “Jerusalem must be desecrated,

so we can gloat over Zion!”

Nahum 1:9-12

Denunciation and Destruction of Nineveh

1:9 Whatever you plot against the Lord, he will completely destroy!

Distress will not arise a second time.

1:10 Surely they will be totally consumed

like entangled thorn bushes,

like the drink of drunkards,

like very dry stubble.

1:11 From you, O Nineveh, one has marched forth who plots evil against the Lord,

a wicked military strategist.

Oracle of Deliverance to Judah

1:12 This is what the Lord says:

“Even though they are powerful

and what is more, even though their army is numerous

nevertheless, they will be destroyed and trickle away!

Although I afflicted you,

I will afflict you no more.

Zechariah 2:8

2:8 For the Lord who rules over all says to me that for his own glory he has sent me to the nations that plundered you – for anyone who touches you touches the pupil of his eye.

Zechariah 14:3

14:3 Then the Lord will go to battle and fight against those nations, just as he fought battles in ancient days.

Zechariah 14:8

14:8 Moreover, on that day living waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea; it will happen both in summer and in winter.

Acts 9:4

9:4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”