Isaiah 38:13

38:13 I cry out until morning;

like a lion he shatters all my bones;

you turn day into night and end my life.

Lamentations 3:10

ד (Dalet)

3:10 To me he is like a bear lying in ambush,

like a hidden lion stalking its prey.

Hosea 13:7-8

13:7 So I will pounce on them like a lion;

like a leopard I will lurk by the path.

13:8 I will attack them like a bear robbed of her cubs –

I will rip open their chests.

I will devour them there like a lion –

like a wild animal would tear them apart.

Amos 3:8

3:8 A lion has roared! Who is not afraid?

The sovereign Lord has spoken! Who can refuse to prophesy?