Isaiah 44:18-21

44:18 They do not comprehend or understand,

for their eyes are blind and cannot see;

their minds do not discern.

44:19 No one thinks to himself,

nor do they comprehend or understand and say to themselves:

‘I burned half of it in the fire –

yes, I baked bread over the coals;

I roasted meat and ate it.

With the rest of it should I make a disgusting idol?

Should I bow down to dry wood?’

44:20 He feeds on ashes;

his deceived mind misleads him.

He cannot rescue himself,

nor does he say, ‘Is this not a false god I hold in my right hand?’

44:21 Remember these things, O Jacob,

O Israel, for you are my servant.

I formed you to be my servant;

O Israel, I will not forget you!

Deuteronomy 32:29

32:29 I wish that they were wise and could understand this,

and that they could comprehend what will happen to them.”

Psalms 115:8

115:8 Those who make them will end up like them,

as will everyone who trusts in them.

Psalms 135:18

135:18 Those who make them will end up like them,

as will everyone who trusts in them.

Jeremiah 10:8

10:8 The people of those nations are both stupid and foolish.

Instruction from a wooden idol is worthless!

Jeremiah 10:1

The Lord, not Idols, is the Only Worthy Object of Worship

10:1 You people of Israel, listen to what the Lord has to say to you.

Colossians 1:20

1:20 and through him to reconcile all things to himself by making peace through the blood of his cross – through him, whether things on earth or things in heaven.