Isaiah 57:5

57:5 you who practice ritual sex under the oaks and every green tree,

who slaughter children near the streams under the rocky overhangs.

Isaiah 57:2

57:2 Those who live uprightly enter a place of peace;

they rest on their beds.

Isaiah 27:2

27:2 When that time comes,

sing about a delightful vineyard!

Isaiah 28:2-4

28:2 Look, the sovereign master sends a strong, powerful one.

With the force of a hailstorm or a destructive windstorm,

with the might of a driving, torrential rainstorm,

he will knock that crown to the ground with his hand.

28:3 The splendid crown of Ephraim’s drunkards

will be trampled underfoot.

28:4 The withering flower, its beautiful splendor,

situated at the head of a rich valley,

will be like an early fig before harvest –

as soon as someone notices it,

he grabs it and swallows it.

Isaiah 28:23-25

28:23 Pay attention and listen to my message!

Be attentive and listen to what I have to say!

28:24 Does a farmer just keep on plowing at planting time?

Does he keep breaking up and harrowing his ground?

28:25 Once he has leveled its surface,

does he not scatter the seed of the caraway plant,

sow the seed of the cumin plant,

and plant the wheat, barley, and grain in their designated places?

Isaiah 33:3-7

33:3 The nations run away when they hear a loud noise;

the nations scatter when you spring into action!

33:4 Your plunder disappears as if locusts were eating it;

they swarm over it like locusts!

33:5 The Lord is exalted,

indeed, he lives in heaven;

he fills Zion with justice and fairness.

33:6 He is your constant source of stability;

he abundantly provides safety and great wisdom;

he gives all this to those who fear him.

33:7 Look, ambassadors cry out in the streets;

messengers sent to make peace weep bitterly.

Jeremiah 2:28

2:28 But where are the gods you made for yourselves?

Let them save you when you are in trouble.

The sad fact is that you have as many gods

as you have towns, Judah.

Jeremiah 11:13

11:13 This is in spite of the fact that the people of Judah have as many gods as they have towns and the citizens of Jerusalem have set up as many altars to sacrifice to that disgusting god, Baal, as they have streets in the city!’

Ezekiel 16:23-25

16:23 “‘After all of your evil – “Woe! Woe to you!” declares the sovereign Lord16:24 you built yourself a chamber and put up a pavilion in every public square. 16:25 At the head of every street you erected your pavilion and you disgraced your beauty when you spread your legs to every passerby and multiplied your promiscuity.

Hosea 12:11

12:11 Is there idolatry in Gilead?

Certainly its inhabitants will come to nothing!

Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal?

Surely their altars will be like stones heaped up on a plowed field!

Acts 17:16

Paul at Athens

17:16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was greatly upset because he saw the city was full of idols.