Isaiah 61:7

61:7 Instead of shame, you will get a double portion;

instead of humiliation, they will rejoice over the land they receive.

Yes, they will possess a double portion in their land

and experience lasting joy.

Ezekiel 36:12

36:12 I will lead people, my people Israel, across you; they will possess you and you will become their inheritance. No longer will you bereave them of their children.

Obadiah 1:17-20

1:17 But on Mount Zion there will be a remnant of those who escape,

and it will be a holy place once again.

The descendants of Jacob will conquer

those who had conquered them.

1:18 The descendants of Jacob will be a fire,

and the descendants of Joseph a flame.

The descendants of Esau will be like stubble.

They will burn them up and devour them.

There will not be a single survivor of the descendants of Esau!”

Indeed, the Lord has spoken it.

1:19 The people of the Negev will take possession of Esau’s mountain,

and the people of the Shephelah will take

possession of the land of the Philistines.

They will also take possession of the territory of Ephraim and the territory of Samaria,

and the people of Benjamin will take possession of Gilead.

1:20 The exiles of this fortress of the people of Israel

will take possession of what belongs to

the people of Canaan, as far as Zarephath,

and the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad

will take possession of the towns of the Negev.

Matthew 6:33

6:33 But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.